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Hiking Alone

There is something freeing about being out in nature alone. You become more tuned into yourself and your surroundings, as there is no one to depend on but yourself. There is a great feeling of accomplishment when you are finished and a deeper appreciation for nature. Hiking alone is an empowering experience and I highly recommend it! But before you run out the door and find a trail, stay safe!

Know your trail. Research your trail and pick one that is well maintained and well-travelled.

Start easy and know your limits. If it’s your first time hiking alone, pick a trail that is easier than what you usually hike.

Phones. When they work they’re an excellent tool, but you can’t rely on reception on the trail, where it may be spotty or nonexistent.

Tell someone where you are going. Always tell a friend or family member where you are going.

Check the weather and pack smart. Always check the weather the day of your hike and pack accordingly.

Check your footwear. Make sure you are wearing shoes suitable for your trail. 

Do not wear headphones. As much as I love music, hiking is not the time for it.

Read about the local wildlife. Before you set out on a trail, read about the local wildlife and seasons of activity.

Stay on the trail!! Have a map and a compass in hand or on your phone in case you get confused about directions.

Follow your intuition Hiking is all about the journey, not the destination. And you must follow your instincts about the people you meet on the trail.

Meeting other people. Be careful and trust your instinct when meeting someone on a trail.

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